IGODYE's story will definitely impact you…. because we all know where his is coming from....you knew he was so poor that he personified the word poor?
His determination and passion in the entertainment industry is one that should be catalogued with history.
…. He started classroom to classroom entertaining his fellow students,he used to entertain from street to street of every corner in Warri But today it is another story, he now travels from country to county to entertain Presidents and Governors….did i hear you say wow?..oh yes,wow!
IGODYE blessed beyond his wildest dreams,rides the choicest cars in town and now he is about to move into luxury personified!
The castle he is building has entered its finishing stages ..the mansion is a "French Luxury Chateaux des Reves Design", it is an edifice that expresses a blend of exquisite and Royalty...
Despite having life's best.the warri based comedian is not a fulfilled man and this is what he told Vanguard newspaper recently when he was interviewed and asked if he is fulfilled.
''Life is not quantified by one’s success alone. The situation in your immediate environment also shows how you are faring . In terms of personal aspiration, I would say no, because most of my desire to live in a society devoid of certain factors hampering proper standard way of living are not present in the lives of those living around us. Majority of people in our midst still live below poverty level. So, how can I be fulfilled?.''

I wish you the best of luck man